"We want to be with you as you begin your journey in turning your wedding dreams into reality.
Here are some ideas that could be incorporated in to your special day to make it as unique as possible".

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hantaran Aliff & Fiza

Another sweetie pink theme requested..hoorey..I'm loving it..!!! I had received this comment before.."Kak...asyik kaler pink n merah aje...tukar la kaler lain kak.."..truly sorry dik..they choose their own theme..i can't do anything but with some opinions ..,insyaallah..i'll try my best..This gubahan hantaran was made for Pn Maria's eldest son..Aliff, from Wangsa Maju. She is very understanding and lovely mother..luckly she did everything for her son..The engagement ceremony was in Kulim, Kedah..congrats and thx Kak Maria..


adhira said...

nk tnye bole x? mcm sangkar ke, dulang tu sume tmasuk dlm harga or just sewa dr u?

jemari kreatif said...

yes termasuk....harge lain2 bergantung pada bekas....

Sa Rathisa. said...

salam...labu ni jual x?Brp satu

Dedi said...

terima kasih atas tipsnya
bermanfaat sekali

The One Truth said...

salam,,saya tertarik dgn gubahan hantaran utk wedding Aliff&fiza. soalan sy, jika sy ingin cik membuat gubahan yg sama seperti itu,adakah sy perlu memulangkan semula "sarang burung"/labu tersebut kpd pihak cik?atau pun akan jd hak tetap saya??dan 1 lg,jika hantaran saya melebihi daripada 5 hantaran,mcmne dengan harganya??adakah lebih banyak hantaran saya akn dpt harga yang murah?or same je?berapa total harga yg cik bg pada pasangan Aliff & fiza tu? Harap dapat respon secepat mungkin..trima kasih..

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